1) Endevor Installations and upgrades.
2) Conversions to Endevor from ChangeMan, Librarian, and Panvalet.
3) Conversions to ChangeMan from Endevor.
4) Endevor Processors for both DB2 and IDMS data bases.
5) Endevor External Security Interface (ESI).
6) Endevor Packages and related approval groups.
7) Endevor Package Shipment
8) Training for Endevor, Quick Edit, and Parallel Development Manager (PDM).
9) General Endevor daily support and problem resolution.
Rates will vary depending on the responsibilities, location, and length of contract. Is your company thinking about shipping Endevor work overseas to India to help reduce the budget... then consider sending it to Indiana instead. Services provided from the Indianapolis office will be given a reduced rate... hence, saving your company money! For more information on how mc2 can help you with your Endevor needs:
call toll free 1-877-888-0170, x101...
or email Office@morfordc2.com .